Blue Oyster Mushrooms, 2022, Copper etching on cotton rag paper, Ed. 100 7 x 5” (image), 12 x 9” (paper)

Angela Snieder

Angela Snieder (she/her) was awarded a Master of Fine Arts in Printmaking from the University of Alberta and a Bachelor of Fine Arts from York University. She is an artist and educator living between Hamilton and Katarokwi-Kingston. She grew up in Sarnia and has since lived and worked in Ontario, British-Columbia and Alberta. She is a settler of Dutch descent; her family having emigrated from the Netherlands to Canada in the late 1950s.

Through copper-plate etching, photopolymer gravure and lens-based installation, her work explores the act of looking and its transformative potential, considering the role of attentive perception in shaping our sense of empathy and connection with our environment.

She has exhibited nationally and internationally, including solo exhibitions in Victoria, Edmonton, Calgary and Winnipeg, and group exhibitions at sites across Canada, and in Poland, China, Egypt, USA, Russia and Finland.

Her most recent exhibition MISTAKEN POINT (Hoopla Gallery & Press, Kingston, 2024) featured an ongoing print-based collaborative project with Morgan Wedderspoon. Angela has taught art in university and non-profit community settings and is currently a Consecutive Teacher Candidate in secondary Visual Arts and French at Queen’s University (graduating in August 2024).

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